


v2.0 Release Announcement

Added by Hammel almost 2 years ago

PiBox Media Center v2.0.0 Release Notes

Additional Information
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General Status
PiBox has evolved from a general build philosophy into a platform for custom embedded system development. Along with the PiBox Development System that acts as a core platform, 6 other platform systems are now avialable.

PiBox Media System - A media playback system for movies and music that also includes webcam and Sirius/XM support.
PiBox Player System - The lightweight companion to the Media System, capable of network playback of media files from the its big brother.
PiBox Kiosk System - A system for video and picture frames, designed specifically for the official Raspberry Pi 7" touschsreen.
PiBox Auto-Kiosk System - Automatic playback of video files from a USB stick, designed for use with media projectors.
PiBox PiSentry System - Remote webcam viewing from any browser including TFT previewing.
PiBox PiStore System - USB storage management with TFT display.

Highlights for this release include the following.
New apps
PiNet - On-device AP for web based network configuration
PiStore - USB storage management
Support for TFT touchscreens.
Improved performance across multiple systems.
Improved wired network support.
Improved keyboard support.
Improved launcher performance, icon handling.
Improved display handling.
Added docker build environment.

Support Matrix
-------------------------------------------------------------- |System |RPi 1|RPi 2|RPi 3|Zero |Zero W |Desktop | |Dev Platform | x | x | x | x | x | | |Media System | | x | x | | | | |Media Player | x | x | x | | | | |Kiosk | x | x | x | x | x | | |Auto Kiosk | x | x | x | x | x | | |PiStore | | | x | | | | |PiSentry | | | x | | | | |Desktop (VideoLib) | | | | | | x |

3.0 Plans
Add support for PiGRRL to create PiPod music player.
Needs additional SD card.
Needs audio output.
Initial Xeon (PiBox on the PinePhone Pro) Release
Extend Ironman (PiBox for Home Automation)
Window shades
Environmental control
New Hardware Support
Bluetooth keyboard/input
I/R input
Investigate alternative SBCs due to supply chain issues with RPi.
New Apps
PiEnv - Environmental monitoring and control including support for 3rd party devices
PiPod - Music player for PiGRRL and I2C/I2S DAC Module Carrier Board..
Simpler version of MusicFE that is text based but possibly with touchscreen support.
Player updates
Plex-like UI for videofe
Improve performance of musicfe
Multi-camera and storage support for PiCam
Add CSI (raspicam) support
Two-to-four USB cameras
USB plus Raspicam
Saved video files for later playback
Video Streaming updates
Add RTSP support
Investigate migration to VLC
Improve PiStore
More info displayed
Improved graphing
Stabilize PiXM
Investigate migration to mongoose to replace existing piboxwww

Getting involved
PiBox is currently a one man project. I'd like to have more users of the system and welcome new developers.

To get started using the system please download the binary releases, unpack them and follow the instructions in install.txt.

To get started with development, please read the developer wiki on how to build the PiBox Development Platform.

Contact me at if you're interested in helping out, have ideas for improvement or just want to know how to use the system.


Repository: appmgr
Bump to version 2.0
RM #855: Update cross build script with additional PKG_CONFIG_ vars.
RM #769: Add p option to for use with piplayer (starts launcher with -m option).

Repository: launcher
RM #946: Don't call piboxGetPlatform() till after the logger is initialized so that debugging of new hardware ids will be easier.
RM #946: Cleanup calculations for status, splash and text areas by using static sizes for status and text areas. Pre-size the splash images on appropriate systems.
RM #957, RM #940: Pre-select and pre-scale icons, reducing complexity and improving performance at runtime at the cost of a slightly slower startup. This also has the affect of selecting color icons on faster platforms.
RM #956: Integrate call to piboxGetPlatform() to validate the API.
RM #949: Always allow keyboard input even if using a touchscreen.
Merge branch 'master' of
RM #906: Fix layout problems related to adding of date/time line at top of display.
RM #911: Fix crashes from improper handling of config file lines.
Bump to version 2.0
RM #809: Add date/time to top of launcher window.
RM #874: Allow forcing use of colored icons. RM #872: Preload icons and splash images to speed general use.
RM #849: If on a TFT display, which is likely to be very small, use the color icons since the splash area will not be used.
RM #861: Minor debug cleanup to help track down real cause of this issue (which, it turns out, is not a launcher issue).
RM #865: Add blinking cursor to default terminal configuration.
RM #855: Update cross build script with additional PKG_CONFIG_ vars.
RM #853: Drain touch events before notifying appManager to start a new app.
RM #851: Make the default terminal colors black background and wheat foreground (so white highlights show up better).
RM #846: Add option to build the piplayer launcher with the terminal app.
RM #800: PiPlayer needs a bigger iconPad to show the highlight. Also, force highlight update on SIGUSR1 from appmgr. Add help text to cross compile script.
RM #769: Disable logging on player by default and remove rotate option, which is not applicable to player currently.
RM #769: Increase timer to 1500ms to update the active highlight on startup.
RM #769: mini-icons prevent scaling icons up. Fix bug with initial highlight not showing up.
RM #769: Add m option to make icons smaller (mini-icons, re: 1/3 of display size instead of expanding to fill space).
RM #769: Add piplayer build option (-p).

Repository: lcdshow
Bump to version 2.0.
RM #869: Bump version to match current PiBox release.
RM #846: Fix packaging handling to properly deal with xorg.conf, including preventing dev platform's S99UI from trying to change our settings. Fix handling of pibox-config updates in pibox-hdmi so it will look like it was originally created if going back to hdmi mode.
RM #846: Fix postinst to use proper modules.conf filename. Fix prerm to not change height to _width.
General: Fix cd? usage in cdtools script.
RM #844: Add n option to pibox-hdmi to skip reboot (for packaging). Add calls to pibox-hdmi to setup device appropriately on package install and removal. RM #843: Add missing calibration file.
RM #843: Add pointercal for LCD35 to packaging. Don't source config.txt - it has things the shell doesn't like. Just parse those values from the file instead.
RM #842: Update pibox-config when switching between tft and hdmi. Fix postinst script to use "height" instead of "width".
RM #839: Allow (but keep disabled) console boot messages on TFT.
RM #839: Fix touchtest script to work with tslib. It won't work with xinput-calibrator however.
RM #839: Fix initialization to assume HDMI, use pibox-hdmi script to switch between HDMI and TFT. Use separate xorg.conf files for HDMI and TFT instead of using xorg.conf stub files. Fix pibox-hdmi to work correctly. Fix opkg scripts to work correctly on install and removal.
RM #839: Initial import of LCDShow repackaging project, specifically to support a 3.5" TFT display.

Repository: libpibox
General: Remove duplicate AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR entry in Ignore GTK deprecated warnings.
RM #956: Add platform detection for RPi 3B (and not just 3B+).
RM #946: Use sysfs to get fb0 virtual_size instead of relying on pibox-config, which may be wrong depending on platform and display.
RM #951: Add MA_KEYB action (keyboard mdev input event) for use with MT_SYS.
RM #956: Change "revision" to "Revision" when doing platform lookup. Cleanup debug output by stripping newline.
RM #956: Revision IDs are more complex than originally thought. This commit utilizes the recommended method of parsing revision strings to identify a specific RPi board.
RM #956: Add piboxGetPlatform to identify the RPi on which the app is running.
Merge branch 'master' of
General: Comment update.
Bump to version 2.0
RM #829: Add medium and full resolution options for streaming. These add new action values for the MT_STREAM message types.
RM #881: Add piboxGetDisplaySize() to query fb for x/y dimensions.
RM #855: Update cross build script with additional PKG_CONFIG
RM #846: Add missing TFT support to piboxGetDisplayType().
RM #846: Add support for ADS7648 TFT touchscreen.
RM #839: Output event entries to stdout instead of stderr so they can be used by wrapper scripts.
RM #839: Add pbeventlist to scan for touchscreen event device in scripts.
RM #833; 5.10.y kernel calls the touchscreen "raspberrypi-ts" now.
RM #747: Bump Parson to latest version (v1.1.0).
Merge branch 'RM-751' into 'master'
RM #751: Add a string version and an int version of functions for retrieving a VT number. The former works with any named process but must make a shell call to get the VT. The latter works only for the current process and uses an ioctl.
Repository: metabuild
RM #895: Fix to support name+ext syntax. Add lcdshow to list of apps to query for changelogs.
RM #895: Add lcdshow to repolist for v2.0.0 release.
RM #968: Fixed pinet SSID on pistore builds.
RM #916: Add a option for piboxd with autokiosk build.
RM #894: Update tagRepos() to handle func+proj repolist entries.
RM #894: Update versionRepos() to handle func+proj repolist entries.
Bump to version 2.0
RM #894: Update the repolist and changelog list of projects for 2.0 release.
RM #898: Switch from rpm to deb as default packaging for videolib.
RM #814: Make imwww builds use HW=<mode> to get proper banner and title values.
M #857: Add docker README.txt, which just points developers to the PiBox docker image.
RM #768: Add PiStore system meta build.
RM #852: Add raspi2fb package to pisentry build.
RM #855: Fix media player's pinet build to use new -S option. Switch from gitorious to gitlab in cdtools environment setup script.
RM #852: Add omxplayer to pisentry build. Add options to piboxd and picam for pisentry builds, the former to make sure we're allowing webcam streams and the latter to disable vt switching.
RM #850: Update pspslash build for pisentry to use TFT option.
Rm #835: Add picam, psplash, lcdshow to pisentry build.
RM #841: Switch pisentry to use the TFT displays. Add a template build to start pifile.
RM #743: Add pisentry mode.
RM #808: Removed piboxwww from piplayer build. It's not needed there.
RM #769: Add -p (piplayer) option for piboxd, appmgr and launcher.
RM #769: Add pinet to piplayer mode build.
RM #691: Minor update to help text for
RM #691: Clean up builds for all possible repos prior to v1.1 tagging.
General: help text update for tags.
RM #764: Add desktop mode to generate desktop (currently just VideoLib) tools that accompany target platform builds.

Repository: mjpg-streamer
Bump to version 2.0
Repository: monkey
Bump to version 2.0
RM #855: Fix error creating required dirs during packaging target.
Repository: musicfe
Bump to version 2.0
RM #855: Update cross build script with additional PKG_CONFIG_ vars.
RM #812: Add prerm to packaging.
RM #812: Add musicfe to appmgr.priv on install and remove it on uninstall.
RM #813: Change references from mediaPlayer to musicfe in postinst.
Repository: omxplayer
Bump to version 2.0
RM #769: Switch to Buildroot's ffmpeg to get TLS support more easily, which allows use of https:// urls.
Repository: pibox
RM #996: Change kernel URL from using git: to https:.
RM #894: Drop xinput_calibrator as that URL doesn't work anymore.
RM #895: Improve packaging. Don't include staging tree in packaged release. Make sure generated archive can be used to create Development System. Add required 7z package to Docker image.
Merge branch 'master' of
RM #894: V2.0 release build update patch for libzlib.
RM #952: Fix parsing of display dimensions in firstboot.
RM #951: Change input device modes in mdev.conf to 644 so touchscreens will work with PiBox Launcher.
RM #951: Call on keyboard plug events. This is useful to PiBox Systems to support custom keyboard mappings under X.
RM #909: Revert firmware to one that matches the current kernel. This fixes lockups and crashes seen with autokiosk system build.
RM #906: Switch to using sysfs instead of tvservice when finding display size to generate pibox-config. Rebuild pibox-config on each boot, in case monitor is changed.
Merge branch 'master' of
Merge branch 'master' of
General: Don't remove ARCDIR on clobber target. Add wipe target to clear that out. This helps with rebuilding everything without having to re-download everything, which saves on bandwidth issues.
RM #908: Remove the psplash perc and bump files after init processing completes to allow proper recreation on the next boot.
RM #894: Update github url for firwmware to use https. Add iputils to docker image build.
Bump to version 2.0
RM #893: Make clobber not remove archive tree. Add wipe to clean archive tree.
RM #894: Update rpi1 xcc build with latest expat and isl.
RM #898: Add buildroot patches for expat, libzlib for version bumps and build issues.
RM #760: Add install.txt to release tarball (and create release tarball).
RM #760: Add installation readme.txt file.
RM #879: Minor cleanup to mkinstall for image file creation, plus add image file compression.
RM #886: pcre patches to allow Buildroot 2021.02.6 to continue building.
RM #885: Remove unused configurations for xcc and buildroot.
RM #884: Remove xeon references now that xeon has it's own repo.
RM #857: Add java support to docker image. Bump docker image to Debian bullseye.
RM #841: Add NFS support to rootfs.
RM #864: Save logs from firstboot and package installs.
General: Add getModel() function to easily find RPi model from sysfs.
RM #845: Add missing clm_blob firmware to build for brcmfmac. Enable eth0 and wlan0 as dhcp by default.
RM #852: Add libbsd in support of building raspi2fb for TFT displays.
RM #851: Change default colors for dev platform xterm's.
General: Add validation check for required utils in
RM #855: Dev platform build updates after switching dev machine to Debian. Change ISL and expat to git pulls due to problems with Crosstool-NG default 1.24.0 versions. Bump Buildroot to 2021.02.6. Fix use of {} globbing in mkdir's used in Makefiles - doesn't work when making directories on Debian for some reason. Fix use of {} globbing in mkdir's used in Busybox initramfs packaging. Fix longstanding error message when moving file to FAT32 parition. Update Docker readme - pkg targets need access to opkg tools which are likely installed under /usr/local by the build system.
RM #846: Allow external packages to prevent S99UI from updating xorg.conf.
RM #839: Add pbeventlist to post build tasks in libpibox Buildroot package. Cleanup to use $(MAKE) instead of directly calling make, based on online recommendations.
RM #839: Remove superfluous cruft from UI init script - it wasn't doing what it was intended to do anyway. Always assume we're using HDMI output (instead of TFT) and let new lcdshow package's pibox-hdmi handle switching to TFT. Only modify xorg.conf if we're using a touchscreen instead of stock HDMI monitor.
RM #840: Add wait for mmc devices before trying to mount them.
RM #817: Add missing .txt files to allow RPi3 wifi to work properly, removing need for wifi dongle.
Merge branch 'master' of
RM #833: Add required but empty driver config for 5.10.y.
RM #833: Make 5.10.y the default kernel for rpi2.
RM #753: Add missing LICENSE file references to custom buildroot packages.
Merge branch 'master' of
RM #815: Add libgpiod to development platform.
RM #818: Update to reflect availability of Docker environment.
RM #818: Add docker build and documentation. Fix buildroot/busybox clean targets to use sudo. Update message when building toolchain package.
Merge branch 'master' of
RM #810: Add support for board and display specific config.txt changes during firstboot.
RM #803: Remove extraneous directories under /home in the Buildroot target tree at the end of the build.
RM #803: Move to master branch for kernel firmware. Retrieve all (instead of just some) brcmfmac binary blobs from RPi Distro github branch. Fixes breakage where some of these are no longer in the kernel firmware master branch. Drop rt3090.bin and rt3070.bin firmware blobs. These are now covered by other firmware blobs in kernel firmware master branch.
RM #771: Add reboot init script in support of automated package installation.
RM #799: shellcheck cleanup on S40network.
Merge branch 'master' of
RM #771: Add opkg auto-install capability: add opkg/incoming directory to user partition in mkinstall script and add init script to check for .install stamp file in incoming directory and, if found, install any packages found there, then remove the stampfile.
RM #770: Migrate to Buildroot LTS 2020.02.4.
RM #785: Stripped old components from upstream PiBox (rpi) build.
RM #754: Don't rebuild packages if they have already been built and source has not been rebuilt.
RM #755: Set branch to f97b1af1 (last known working with PiBox v1.1). Don't rebuild gles if it's already been built.
RM #761: Fall back to kernel 4.19.106 (and matching fw) because 4.19.122 broke touchscreens and 106 is the last known working version before PiBox release 1.1.0.
Repository: piboxd
RM #951: Add support for MA_KEYB for keyboard plug event serialization.
RM #915: Add eth processor to handle up/down of dhcp on eth0 based on carrier detects (re: cable plug events). Lots of debug cleanup. Fix timer processor to work properly with event timer and select(), reducing cpu overhead.
RM #913: Performance improvements - Switch main thread to use a unix socket to exit, avoiding a sleep() based loop. Add select on registration thread (for IoT registration in Ironman) to avoid spinning in tight loop (and chewing up CPU time).
RM #916: Add a option for building piboxd for use with the autokiosk system.
Merge branch 'master' of
General: Add missing header to clean up build.
Bump to version 2.0
RM #829: Add support for medium and HD streams.
RM #855: Update cross build script with additional PKG_CONFIG_ vars.
RM #852: Add -S option to fix up init script for pisentry (no IOT, no SMB).
RM #834: Add missing arg separator for start-stop-daemon call in init script for piplayer.
General: Additional debug trying to figure out why sometimes the mjpg_streamer process doesn't start.
RM #829: Fix piplayer build to add -I -S to piboxd command in init script.
RM #829: Init script doesn't need to set -I and -S. The config file can be used for that to customize piboxd for different systems.
RM #827: Fix piboxd init script to allow start-stop-daemon to stop the daemon and allow logging.
General: Add missing "-p" to help text for
RM #769: Switch to start-stop-daemon to match other daemons. Add config options for verbose, debugfile because command line options aren't working for some reason when run from init. SMB mount command is failing with latest Buildroot builds - remove extraneous options to fix that.
RM #769: Fix resetting of stdout when daemonizing. Switch to cli API instead of testing flag bits manually.
RM #769: Migrate to using pmsg.h for messaging types.
RM #769: Improve the PID handling to make start/stop work better.
RM #769: Add -p option to to build piboxd for piplayer.

Repository: pibox-network-config
Bump to version 2.0
Repository: piboxwww
Bump to version 2.0
RM #829: Add VGA and FD options to webcam. Change "low" to "CGA" and "hi" to "SXGA".
RM #389: add delay before switching video resolutions for webcam.
RM #778: Change title from Server to System.
RM #743: Add HW=pisentry support that disables network configuration option.
Repository: picam
Bump to version 2.0
RM #852: Add calls to raspi2fbd (init script) on TFTs to mirror omxplayer to the second framebuffer.
RM #861: Make vt switch on player launch failures optional (for TFTs).
RM #861: Cleanup player.c: remove extraneous code and comments after last update.
RM #861: Force app quit if player quits on its own or fails to start. Change to using openvt from chvt because the former allows a change and return without having to specify which VTs to use, and the vt change is still required to get X to update properly.
RM #855: Update cross build script with additional PKG_CONFIG_ vars.
RM #852: Add S to cross build to allow for pisentry build, which uses new -s cli option to disable vt switching (TFTs don't need it). Fix touch screen identification so picam can tell when it's on a TFT too.
RM #836: Fixed vt switching to be cleaner - switch before launching to avoid the flashing and potentially missing the player startup.
RM #790: Switch to piboxGetVTNum() to fix vt switches properly.

Repository: piclock
Bump to version 2.0
RM #855: Update cross build script with additional PKG_CONFIG_ vars.
Repository: pidialer
Bump to version 2.0
RM #855: Update cross build script with additional PKG_CONFIG_ vars.
Repository: pinet
RM #915: Fix interfaces.aponly template so wired network continues to work while AP is enabled.
Merge branch 'master' of
RM #955: Switch to piboxGetDisplayTouch() to determine if touchscreen is supported.
Bump to version 2.0
RM #869: Fix version string to match current PiBox release.
RM #866: Set the default SSID during build when cross compile uses S. Remove extraneous change of ssid string in hostapd.aponly during packaging.
RM #845: Disable Pi 3b+ wifi because it's not working in 5.10.y. Enable eth0 interface when pinet exits.
RM #855: Update cross build script with additional PKG_CONFIG_ vars.
RM #847: Fix animation on small TFT displays. Don't allow a build without an SSID using
RM #846: Remove display_type in favor of CLI_TOUCH flag.
General: Fix description in cdtools script.
RM #834: Disable the postinst code that disables Wifi on RPi3 - it works now.
General: Add Fritzing diagram for momentary button and LED based on what the code is expecting from GPIOs.
RM #826: Handle failure recovery better, making pinet more reliable in general. Add LED_ON state to gpio handling.
RM #827: Fix pid handling in init script. Remove bits of postinst unrelated to HEADLESS mode. Reset led_timer when LEDs are turned off. Make LED blink sequence easier to see when going to Normal mode.
RM #827: Reset CLI_AP_RUNNING when done returning to normal mode. Unlink pinet.done when returning to normal mode. Let start-stop-daemon handle daemon mode to allow logging to work properly.
RM #827: Allow setting the ssid based on build arguments (via
RM #743: Add init script for headless mode. Remove unused cli options.
RM #815: Split pinet into headless and UI modes. Add gpio handling for pushbutton and LED blink status.
RM #769: Make pinet properly restart the network. now runs "ifup -a" after killing the AP. writes stamp file that pinet syncs with to complete processing. A network restart thread now handles stopping the web server and AP. Fixed timer use to prevent multiple timers from being started on shutdown. Removed extraneous code from pinet main. pinet is now fully multi-threaded so the user experience is much better.
RM #769: Repeat the restart request to make sure the network gets going.
RM #769: Fix UI text to be appropriate for touchscreen or keyboard use. Note piboxMsg() failures in log.
RM #769: Fix handling of interfaces file based on changes from webui. Allow pinet to continue running while requesting piboxd to handle network restart. Update text displayed in pinet UI when exit is requested. Raise SIGINT on exit to allow touchscreen thread to exit.
RM #769: Disable default debug config.
RM #769: Add default debug config to help with initial debug tasks.
RM #769: Switch from system() to mkdir(), fopen() and unlink() for creating directories and files, then cleaning them up.
RM #769: Add logging to directory and stamp file creation.
RM #769: Add noap stamp file to web server startup.
RM #769: Fix startup of imwww by creating the pair stamp file in the correct location. Add option to enable imwww debugging.
RM #769: Disable pi3 wifi on install. It doesn't support (to my knowledge) both AP and client at the same time.
RM #769: Fix path to startup scripts.
RM #769: Create pair stamp file for imwww. Add pinet to appmgr.priv.
RM #769: Code cleanup - tabs to spaces.
RM #769: Fix pinet app icons. Remove password handling for web server (it doesn't use it anymore). Slow animation so it works on an RPi2 reasonably well (works better on RPi3). Add default port to instructions text displayed on screen.
RM #769: Add support for AP mode. Make animation scale as it spins. Add login info to animation. Update psk and webserver pw files.
RM #769: Fix packaging build.
Initial import - provides animation that plays while in network configuration mode.

Repository: pipics
Bump to version 2.0
RM #855: Update cross build script with additional PKG_CONFIG_ vars.
Repository: pistore
Merge branch 'master' of
RM #955: Switch to using piboxGetDisplayTouch() to check if display support touchscreen input.
Bump to version 2.0
RM #881: Move piboxGetDisplaySize() to libpibox.
RM #841: Fix disk size calculations. Handle small drives correctly. Fix export sync at startup.
RM #841: pistore cleanup. Fix some crashes. Make status text larger. Fix cleanup of exports when store is removed. Fix cleanup of stores when removed. Allow graphwidget updates even if no stores are present. Allow inotify event processing to schedule a store update to allow kernel to catch up.
RM #841: Fixup colors and fonts a bit. Only watch mounts under /media/usb.
RM #841: Fix font sizes and graph lines on small displays. Fix use of config file and touch regions.
RM #841: Make popup toggle it's own function so keypress and touchscreen can use it.
Initial import - basic functionality implemented.
Repository: pixm
Bump to version 2.0
RM #855: Update cross build script with additional PKG_CONFIG_ vars.
Repository: pmsui
RM #951: Add keyboard plug event support for mini-keyboards under X. These add xmodmap handling for arrow keys in a more extensive manner than was previously available using just xinitrc.
RM #907: Add missing b option to start-stop-daemon in
Bump to version 2.0
RM #871: Make use start-stop-daemon to allow logging while enabling config options vi cfg file.
General: Remove ssh from cd?
RM #837: Don't use /etc/init.d/data/usb.list when checking for FAVI keyboard - call lsusb directly.

Repository: psplash
RM #961: New psplash uses --fbdev instead of FBDEV env var. It also uses PSPLASH_FIFO_DIR instead of PSPLASH_FIFO.
General: Fix progress bar outline image to make updates appear to properly fill the outline, with no black spacing between progress bar and outline.
RM #959: Switch to yocto's archive for psplash source.
Merge branch 'master' of
RM #908: Provide function to remove /etc/.psplash and /etc/.psplashbump files. Make variables in bumpStatus() local and a new variable added to avoid overwrite issues in the shell. Don't allow initsplash call to be made more than once on any boot.
Bump to version 2.0
General: Remove ssh:// from cd?
RM #850: Updated for use with TFT's when framebuffer device is not available till after mdev runs.
RM #850: Fix psplash function that identifies which framebuffer device to use.
Repository: raspi2fb
Bump to version 2.0
RM #898: Remove extraneous check for gtk2.
RM #869: Bump version to match current version of PiBox.
RM #852: Initial import of forked build for raspi2fb and fbcp.
Repository: test-project
Bump to version 2.0
Repository: videofe
RM #914: Add short delay between dbus requests to load a new uri and reset position (re: metadata).
RM #914: Offset start of status and next timers. Check progress of video playback and, if stalled, restart the player.
Bump to version 2.0
RM #861: Add openvt command to switch VTs after player exits to allow X updates to be processed correctly.
RM #855: Update cross build script with additional PKG_CONFIG_ vars. Remove .ssh from cd?.
RM #836: Remove vt switch when starting player. It apparently isn't needed anymore in 5.10.y.
RM #836: Fixed vt switching to be cleaner - switch before launching to avoid the flashing and potentially missing the player startup.
RM #751: Add piboxGetVTNum() to find current and next VT's for vt-switching when launching and killing omxplayer.
Repository: videolib
Bump to version 2.0
RM #797: Migrate TV scans to due to changes in API access at RM #397: Update About dialog to meet attribution requirements.
RM #857: Add Docker build option. Add deb packaging.
Repository: xeoncfg
Bump to version 2.0
General: Remove ssh:// from cd?
