Action Item #768
closedAdd PiBox FileServer meta build
This should just be a dev platform with nfs-utils enabled (kernel already has nfs enabled) along with, possibly, some utilities for managing nfs mounts. It should be considered a headless system with ssh access, probably using the Ironman network config tools.
Related issues
Updated by Hammel over 4 years ago
This is just for me when using Raspbian until I get PiBox configured with NFS.
Updated by Hammel over 4 years ago
- USB drive (should already be there)
- SATA drive (via hats of some kind) - should be mounted under /media/sata like USB drives via mdev.conf.
- SMB - should just work because USB drivers show up under /media/usb via mdev.conf.
- NFS - needs a default NFS export config that exports /media/usb as ro.
- A network configuration tool - pinet w/ imwww
- - this may need to expose power port too; HDMI LCDs also available, but they're larger (3.5 in vs 2.x in), or a 2.8in spi display might work (if I have the right drivers, dtb, etc.).
Ideally this should be done with Docker using PiDock.
But this may require building a custom Docker image as opposed to installing one from the official Docker hub.
Updated by Hammel over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
- kernel drivers
- mdev.conf
- NFS configuration
- depends on where sata drives show up
- /media/usb should also be exported
This should also use dhcp on wired ethernet and use pinet w/imwww for wireless configuration. pinet will need to display the ether address for both wired and wireless.
Updated by Hammel about 4 years ago
How I want to approach this.
- Physical
- 128x128, 1.44inch LCD display HAT for Raspberry Pi
- LCD Hat enclosure should be integrated into the Pi NAS Case so I can have button pushes accessible. Likely have to build custom enclosure.
- Route power out the back too - make all connections on the backside, not all four sides, of the Pi.
- Only USB disks for first release (no SATA since LCD HAT covers all GPIO pins).
- LCD buttons
- Button 1: SSH enable/disable
- Button 2: Reboot (must be pressed twice within a 2 second time frame)
- Button 3: PiNet AP config
- Joystick: Cycle through config app data
- left-right: move through apps
- Up-down: move between apps and config line for launcher
- button press: select active item
- Apps
- piboxd
- pinet
- imwww
- config app (new)
- PiNet in headless mode (see RM #815) - dhcp on eth0 plus AP mode on wifi, if supported.
- Config App is default UI (no X)
- disk storage use, one per page, using LCD joystick to page through disks.
- NFS export config
- SMB config
- SSH status (enabled/not enabled) - this can be changed by pressing one of the buttons on the display.
- Export all drives via SMB, NFS as read-only
- Pushing data to drives requires ssh, which must be manually configured.
Updated by Hammel over 3 years ago
- Related to Feature #809: Add configuration and reboot options to piplayer launcher added
Updated by Hammel over 3 years ago
This has changed a bit. I now have a TFT display integrated into PiSentry. I don't need all that hardware, especially now that there is an external project (also named PiBox) that can be an external array via SMB. A variation on the PiSentry build can be used for PiFile (this is the new name of the system, the name of file system management app is PiStore).
So now I just need the apps I'll run on it.
From pisentry's build:- appmgr
- launcher
- lcdshow
- piboxd
- piboxmediaserverui
- pinet
- psplash
- raspi2fb
New for PiFile
- pistore
- Status bar with
- Eth0 mac / IP
- WiFi mac / IP
- Date/Time
- Reboot button
- terminal enabled
- reboot enabled (but in status bar)
- netconfig disabled
Updated by Hammel about 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 10 to 100
This is much simpler than planned, but that's fine. The pistore app (RM #841) handles file management. The pistore system meta build is complete and tested on hardware.
Closing issue.