IronMan is the code name for a series of products aimed at home automation and entertainment utilizing modern communications, location and AI concepts.
The Mark I prototypes were demonstrated at the 2018 Denver Maker Faire. They worked as expected and there were no failures during the demonstrations.
The next step in development is the Mark IB phase which will prototype required PCBs for the light switch, place it in a simple enclosure and connect it to the light switch. This will allow the implementation to be used on a day to day basis in order to uncover any design or implementation faults while working on the Mark II release.
At the same time work will begin on additional sensors:- Door/window sensor
- Window blinds sensor
- Remote cameras
- Users Guide - How to setup and use Ironman
Design and Implementation¶
- Proof of Concept - An attainable goal that proves we can build a working product that is not necessarily consumer ready.
- Minimal Viable Product - The goal for an initial kickstarter project
- MVP Development Tasks - Tasks required to reach MVP
- Device Protocol - Design of the device protocol for registering, controlling and querying.
- Jarvis Protocol - Design of the protocol between Jarvis and a server node.
- REST APIs - Specifications for REST APIs used in Ironman
- Repos - Description of Ironman repositories
Planning and Reference¶
- Planning Notes - Initial outline of things to consider when working toward the PoC and MVP
- Hardware Links - Reference material
- Software Links - Reference material
- Camera - Camera Design Concepts
Updated by Hammel over 5 years ago ยท 17 revisions