Action Item #74
Added by Hammel about 14 years ago.
Updated over 12 years ago.
Sourceforge was cracked recently and their recovery efforts are ongoing. It appears that CVS users are more susceptible to issues and that recovery takes a more prolonged effort. I'm not exactly sure why that is, but this is enough impetus to force my move from CVS to git. In this process I think I may also migrate from SourceForge to Gitorious or GitHub, possibly using both so there is a mirror of the mainline. Alternatively, I may use my colo for the mainline and pull to GitHub or Gitorious for publication. Something like that.
Because I'm the only one working on this right now this is really easy. I don't care that much about the changelog history and since SourceForge is suspect at this point it probably makes sense to just take the source in my sandbox for the initial import (after cleaning it up to make sure the build is clean, which it may not be at the moment).
I'm not familiar with git specifics so I have a little reading to do. I already use Mercurial at work and I hear the workflows are similar. I'd like to be able to find what files are new or modified from my previous checkins but can't do that until SourceForge's CVS becomes available again.
This needs to be done immediately so I can get back to work on bringing up X.
Good place to start (and I have time if I wait for SourceForge's CVS to come back up):
Sourceforge's CVS is available again so I did a massive checkin today in preparation for migration to a GIT repo. This will be the last checkin under CVS. I'll do a 0.5.0 release under CVS and then once git is working and the build retested I'll do a 0.5.1 release based on the build from GIT.
Then I'll take down the CVS repo.
Created repo at because there are more BeagleBoard projects there than at github:
Pushed the source tree to the repo. It's there but there are bugs in the build that I've been checking on fixes for overnight.
Fixed most of the build problems. A full build, without archives, needs to be performed tonight to verify the build works completely correctly.
If that succeeds, I can release 0.5.1 and announce the git repo.
One last problem: had to disable sstrip from Crosstool-NG 1.8.2 because it couldn't be found for some reason. This may be fixed in a more recent version of Crosstool-NG. I'll check out builds with those later.
The entire build (running "make" only) including downloading archive files completed successfully.
I can announce the migration to git and make a 0.5.1 release.
Tarball released to SourceForge and CVS disabled on SourceForge.
I need to re-enable CVS to pull BUI off and move it to GIT too.
- Priority changed from High to Immediate
- Severity set to Critical
This issue is now a high priority because Sourceforge is dropping Hosted-Apps service as of September 1, 2012.
I need to move the source tree off of SourceForge and into GIT immediately, including updating the Buildroot packages to pull from gitorious.
- Tracker changed from Testing to Action Item
What to do for this migration:
- Download the latest tarballs of each package (bui-fakekey, bui-keyboard, bui-lib, bui-panel, bui-wm) from sourceforge.
- See
- Add new BUI project on gitorious: BUI - BeagleBox UI
- Add repositories for each BUI package
- Push BUI package source to respective repositories
- Verify git clone and build works for each bui package.
- Convert Buildroot BUI package to pull from git source and build those instead of from tarballs.
Note: once in GIT, it should be possible to pull a tarball from master using a URL in the form<repo>/archive-tarball/master
Using wget will name the file "master" by default. O master.tar.gz is required with wget to rename the file. The resulting directory extracted from this is named bui<repo>.
The following repositories have been created and initialized under the BUI project under gitorious:
The trees have been verified as to content, but not to builds.
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
All buildroot packages have been updated and tested. The buildroot config had an incorrect command for git - "git clone". It should be just "git". That is fixed too.
This issue can be closed.
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