Feature #588
File Manager for PiStore's
Added by Hammel over 7 years ago.
Updated 8 months ago.
This is essentially the same as the PiStore UI except it will show it for all known PiStore's on the network.
This allows us to browse but not manage the PiStores. Management will be done by going to the Ironman web interface, selecting a PiStore and being redirected to it's Web UI.
- Project changed from Sensors to Monitor
- Category deleted (
- Priority changed from Normal to High
- Target version changed from 0.5.0 to 1.0.0 - Hari Seldon
- Subject changed from File Manager to File Manager for PiStore's
- Description updated (diff)
- Priority changed from High to Immediate
- Target version changed from 1.0.0 - Hari Seldon to 3.0 - Corrino
- Severity changed from 03 - Medium to 04 - Low
imrest is a model for a web interface but it can't be integrated with pistore. There are 13 source files for current imrest. Only 4 would play a part in PiStore web services. Conditionally compiling them would violate my KISS principles (not that pinet doesn't already violate them) so I'm going to create a separate web server for pistore, but it will be based on imrest's core C modules: imrest.c, cli.c, utils.c and mongoose.c. I may also want to integrate a similar initialization module like init.c
The new app will be called pistoreweb.
Interesting note: I can make static images of the disk usage, just like is shown in PiStore, using Cairo and writing to a PNG. Theoretically I don't need GTK+ to use Cairo like this. It won't be fancy graphics, but it means I could avoid client side javascript and just use standard HTML.
- Severity changed from 04 - Low to 01 - Critical
I've designed the simple interactions between browser, monitor and PiStore.

- Category deleted (
- % Done changed from 10 to 30
pistoreweb is written and basically works. The integration with pisensors is next.
For now that's sufficient. I don't really care about file management through a UI. I can add and remove files on the mount points.
For reference: pisensors is the UI on the Ironman console that shows IoT devices, so that's where the integration with PiStoreWeb happens.
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