Feature #601
openPiSentry File Management: web UI
A web UI for listing and deleting files. This is just for managing PiSentry disk space. The web UI runs on PiSentry but will have an API for use by Ironman.
Requirements- Scan for PiStores using multicast requests.
- Enable/disable saving videos.
- Remove saved files.
- Enable/Disable camera.
- Enable/Disable local display of camera.
Related issues
Updated by Hammel over 7 years ago
- Subject changed from File Management to File Management: web
Updated by Hammel almost 5 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Target version changed from 0.5.0 to 2.0.0 - Dors Venabili
Updated by Hammel over 1 year ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Priority changed from Low to Immediate
- Target version changed from 2.0.0 - Dors Venabili to 3.0 - Corrino
Updated by Hammel 10 months ago
Definitely needs to be under mongoose control. Might be a variation of Ironman imrest server. Not sure if I should combine them or make the conditionally compiled.
Looking at the imrest/imrest.c module, it would seem to be easy to map the GET/POST/DELETE requests based on conditional compilations, so I could add PiSentry support to imrest and only have it on PiSentry's.
Updated by Hammel 10 months ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
There are 13 source files for current imrest. Only 4 would play a part in PiStore web services. Conditionally compiling them would violate my KISS principles (not that pinet doesn't already violate them) so I'm going to create a separate web server for pistore, but it will be based on imrest's core C modules: imrest.c, cli.c, utils.c and mongoose.c. I may also want to integrate a similar initialization module like init.c
The new app will be called pistoreweb.
Interesting note: I can make static images of the disk usage, just like is shown in PiStore, using Cairo and writing to a PNG. Theoretically I don't need GTK+ to use Cairo like this. It won't be fancy graphics, but it means I could avoid client side javascript and just use standard HTML.
While applicable to pisentry, the above comment was for pistore. PiSentry will also base it's web interface on imrest, and it too will be a separate app. This one will be called pisentryweb.
Updated by Hammel 10 months ago
- Has duplicate Feature #588: File Manager for PiStore's added