1.0 open 27% 17 issues (4 closed — 13 open) Related issues Feature #5: UI Configuration Tool Actions Feature #6: Network configuration tool Actions Feature #7: Need a scrolling menu applet for the panel Actions Feature #14: Tool for creating URL snapshots Actions Feature #27: Strip window decorations from window manager Actions Feature #28: Make all X clients except panels full screen. Actions Feature #29: Make panel clients raise above all other clients. Actions Feature #30: Make panel clients raise above all other clients. Actions Feature #31: Allow no more than (N) non-panel clients. Actions Feature #33: X cursor should auto-hide after (N) periods of inactivity. Actions Feature #35: Make panels that slide in from the sides. Actions Feature #41: Configuration information should be cached before writing to SD card Actions Feature #66: Add install targets for all subpackages. Actions Testing #32: Support Xrm for simplified configuration capabilities. Actions Testing #67: Split subprojects from bui project, push to new modules in CVS tree Actions