


Notes » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Hammel, 06 Feb 2020 14:15) → Revision 2/3 (Hammel, 18 Apr 2020 11:13)

h1. Notes 

 h2. Building Releases 

 h3. Development Platform 

 * Clone pibox 
 * RPi B+, RPi Zero / Zero W: make pkg 
 * RPi 2/3: make HW=rpi2 pkg 
 * cdb 
 * cd buildroot-*/output/staging 
 * STAGING=$(pwd) 
 * cdb 
 * cd crosstool-ng.*.bld/install 
 * XID=$(pwd) 
 * cdp 
 * ls -l  

 STAGING and XID are used by the meta build. 

 h3. Media System 

 * clone meta repo 
 * ./  
 * cdp 
 * ls -l *.opk 

 h3. Kiosk    (re: VideoFrame) 

 * export XID=$TC 
 * clone meta repo 
 * ./ -m kiosk 
 * cdp 
 * ls -l *.opk 

 h3. Auto-kiosk System 

 * export XID=$TC 
 * clone meta repo 
 * ./ -m autokiosk 
 * cdp 
 * ls -l *.opk 

 h3. References 

 * - See architecture diagram.