MediaSystem » History » Version 15
Hammel, 21 Feb 2023 19:40
1 | 1 | Hammel | h1. MediaSystem |
2 | |||
3 | 6 | Hammel | |_.Subsystem |_.Feature |_.Test |_.Expected Result| |
4 | 8 | Hammel | |Opkg |Install |Automated installation of opkgs |Packages should be installed automatically at boot and system rebooted after | |
5 | 1 | Hammel | |Splash | |Sequential update at boot |Status bar moves continuously right during boot, reaching end before screen clears | |
6 | 11 | Hammel | |Network |Wired |Eth gets DHCP |Plugging in network cable puts device on local network | |
7 | 8 | Hammel | |UI |Matchbox |App overlays launcher |Only one app should be visible at any one time | |
8 | |/4. Laucher |Icons |x rows by y columns icons |Icon matrix visible | |
9 | |Splash |Displays large icon per app |Splash image matches app | |
10 | |Date/time | |Banner area shows date/time | |
11 | 6 | Hammel | |Navigation |Use kb arrows to nav app selection |Active app icon should be highlighted and splash image changed | |
12 | |App Manager | |Start app via launcher |Any app selected via launcher should start and close using appropriate close method (keyboard or touchscreen) | |
13 | 14 | Hammel | |/9. VideoFE |/2. Selection |Arrow keys |Move sequentially up and down video titles list | |
14 | 6 | Hammel | |Search |Slash key + ENTER allows searching videos | |
15 | |/3. Playback |Start video |Video playback should begin | |
16 | |FF |Video should jump ahead 10 sec. | |
17 | |Rewind |Video should jump back 10 sec. | |
18 | 13 | Hammel | |Rescan DB |Plugin USB Media stick with videos |Adding a media stick should cause an update to displayed titles | |
19 | 1 | Hammel | |Exit | |Video should exit and video list redisplayed | |
20 | 9 | Hammel | |Full screen | |Video playback should be full screen | |
21 | |Video Formats |Test multiples files |Video formats supported: mp4 mkv m4v avi mov | |
22 | 6 | Hammel | |/6. MusicFE |Selection by title |Arrow Keys |Move sequentially left and right through the titles | |
23 | 7 | Hammel | |Selection by Artist |Arrow Keys |Move sequentially left and right through artists | |
24 | 6 | Hammel | |/3. Playback |Start audio |Music playback should begin | |
25 | |FF |Video should jump ahead 10 sec. | |
26 | |Rewind |Video should jup back 10 sec. | |
27 | |Exit | |Music should exit and video list redisplayed | |
28 | |/2. PiClock |Clock |Check time, multiple seconds |Clock hands should be accurate and move | |
29 | |Calendar |Check/modify date |Date should be displayed accurately | |
30 | 10 | Hammel | |/2. PiCam |/2. Video Display |Start video |Webcam should show on console with near real-time frame rate | |
31 | |Exit video |Display should return to launcher | |
32 | 15 | Hammel | |/8. PiXM |/2. Navigation |By channel id |Selected channels should become active | |
33 | 1 | Hammel | |By category |Selected categories should display available channels | |
34 | 15 | Hammel | |/2. Scanning |Categories |Category scan picks up available categories | | |
35 | |Channels |Channel scan piks up available channels | | |
36 | |/2. UI |Online icon |Online icon is green when XMPCR is connected, red if not. | | |
37 | |Mute icon |Mute icon toggles when M button is pressed. | | |
38 | 6 | Hammel | |/2. Output |Playback start |Audio should play out of the XMPC output port | |
39 | |Playback stop |Audio should stop playing from XMPC output port | |
40 | |/4. PiPics |/2. Nav, kb |FF |Next picture is displayed, wrapping to start of list of pictures | |
41 | |Rewind |Previous picture is displayed, wrapping to the end of list of pictures | |
42 | |/2. Nav, touchscreen|FF |Next picture is displayed, wrapping to start of list of pictures | |
43 | |Rewind |Previous picture is displayed, wrapping to the end of list of pictures | |
44 | |/5. Net Config |UI |Verify UI |Is available and starts | |
45 | |/2.Interface |Static IP |/etc/network/interfaces is properly updated; networking restarts correctly | |
46 | |DHCP |/etc/network/interfaces is properly updated; networking restart correctly | |
47 | |Access Point |Pi accepts WiFi connections |Network node connects over WiFi and receives a DHCP address | |
48 | |Scanner |Visual display of local WiFi signals |Graphs are drawn with associated text | |
49 | 10 | Hammel | |/8. WebUI |/4. Users |Login |User should be required to login with a valid webUI password | |
50 | 1 | Hammel | |Add |New user can login via webUI | |
51 | 6 | Hammel | |Delete |Deleted user cannot login via webUI | |
52 | |Password Change |Password should be updated for web UI login | |
53 | 10 | Hammel | |/2. WebCam |Normal Orientation | | |
54 | |Flip Orientation | | |
55 | 6 | Hammel | |/2. Net Config |Interface | | |
56 | |Access Point | | |