


Release #895

Updated by Hammel over 1 year ago

Once all the scheduled 2.0 issues are closed I can make a 2.0 release. 
 See RM #691, RM #538, RM #427 and RM #348 for examples of making the release. 
 Ironman will not be released with Harkonnen. 

 The Dev Platform and all System package collections (RM #894) must be archived and compressed (RM #782). 

 h1. Steps to release 

 * # -Reassign severity/priority of issues to to 2.0.- 
 ** ## -Move issues to 3.0- 
 # Tag all repos 
 ** ## Use dry-run option with tagging to show what would happen for each repo without doing it, to make sure this still works. 
 ** ## Update all tags for 2.0  
 <pre>./ 2.0: ./ -t v2.0.0</pre> v2.0.0 
 * # Generate changelog: in metabuild 
 <pre>./ ## ./ -s 2020-06-15</pre> 2020-06-15 
 * # Generate compressed release images (dd from installed SD card) 
 ** ## Dev platform  
 <pre>make platform: make pkg (generates pibox-rpi<hw>-2.0.tar.7z)</pre> pibox-rpi<hw>-2.0.tar.7z) 
 *** ### rpi1 & rpi2 (see matrix) 
 ** ## System package collections: metabuild/ (manually create 7z tarballs) 
 ### <pre>7z a -m0=lzma2 -mx=9 $(PKGDIR)/pibox-<hw>-$(VERSION)-<systemname>.tar.7z <pkgdir>/*.opk</pre> 
 * # Push release images to download site 
 * # Push download archives (archives downloaded by xcc, buildroot, etc. as part of build process) to download site 
 * # Update directory listing on upload site 
 * # Update wiki (RM *958) #958) 
 ** ## Reference install.txt 
 * # Update 
 ** ## New Layout 
 *** ### Dev Platform 
 *** ### Systems 
 **** #### Note HW/Display requirements for PiStore, PiSentry 
 ** ## New Videos 
 *** ### One for each System 
 ** ## New Blog Entries 
 *** ### One for each system 
 *** ### One for each app 
 ** ## Blog Post on 2.0 release 
 * # Write up announcement  
 ** ## add it to News (as in "this example": 
 ## Announce to "RPi Forums":*p611042 Forums": 
 ** ## Announce to "":*PiBox "": 
 ** ## Post to 
 *** ### LinkedIn-: Raspberry Pi and Embedded Linux groups 
 *** ### User groups: blug, clue, pplug, CS Open Source Meetup 
