


Testing #893

Updated by Hammel over 2 years ago

Feature development is essentially complete for the PiBox 2.0 - Harkonnen release.    However, full integration tests need to be run to validate existing functionality passes regression and new features are at least stable, if not bug free. 

 The following systems need to be fully tested.    A test plan need to be written for each one.    Separate issues will be written for each testplan and test status will be tracked here.    *_Regression_* testing implies previous functionality is still working.    *_Feature_* testing validates new components.    New systems will have no regression tests and existing systems may not have new functionality. 

 |_.System|_.Test Plan|_.Regression Status|_.Feature Status| 
 | Dev Platform | [[DevPlatform]]    |    |    | 
 | Media System | [[MediaSystem]]        |    |    | 
 | Media Player | [[Media_Player]]    |    |    | 
 | Kiosk | [[Kiosk]]    |    |    | 
 | Auto Kiosk | [[Auto_Kiosk]]    |    |    | 
 | PiSentry | [[PiSentry]]    |    |    | 
 | PiStore | [[PiStore]]    |    |    | 
 | Desktop (VideoLib) | [[VideoLib]]    |    |    | 
