Bug #924
Added by Hammel almost 2 years ago.
Updated over 1 year ago.
This may be related to video problems on that particular monitor. Look at the changes made to the launcher and see if those will help.
The piboxd WEBCAM setting for CGA was used instead of the default (SXGA) but even that had no picture.
Note that omxplayer has no problem playing video (videofe works).
And the camera used for testing works on my desktop.
Also, verify that RPi3 still works (last check - it did).
Removing --live, then --o hdmi (there is no audio in picam), then both had no affect.
Maybe it's on the wrong VT?
Try running mjpeg-streamer and omxplayer manually and see what happens.
Also: rpi3 does not appear to work either. It's likely that specific monitor. Test on other monitors to see what happens.
- Priority changed from Urgent to Immediate
- Target version changed from 3.0 - Corrino to 2.0 - Harkonnen
- Severity changed from 02 - High to 01 - Critical
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 20
I've found 1 camera that is not working. Need to check that it support mjpeg. It should be the same model as the camera that is working, but maybe not.
I have one other camera that I need to test that should also be the same model.
Once I have two cameras (or just the one, even) I will test the RPi2 with Media System.
3rd camera works. So I just need to find out what's wrong with the 2nd camera.
Now to test on RPi 2 running Media System.
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 20 to 100
Works on RPi 2 running Media System.
The problem was just the camera.
Closing issue.
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