Action Item #689
Added by Hammel about 6 years ago.
Updated over 5 years ago.
The current method uses psplash and faking the X startup early. This is a bit klunky. It's time for a better method.
First, cleanup things outside of the init process by modifying config.txt.
Next, consider using fbi instead of psplash, possibly modifying it to make a simple animation. Or modify psplash for the same thing.
Consider modifying fbi/psplash to be synchronous by having it accept input from a FIFO to kill it off, and use a stamp file to notify the caller that it's done and start up the next interface, re:
For animation try bannerd.
- Target version set to 1.1.0 - Upgrades
- Description updated (diff)
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
As an alternative to psplash, we could load a raw image file (read bytes) and write to /dev/fb0, as described in this post.
This could be a binary that forks a background task to rotate images (simple animation) but the image would already have to be the same size as the display. The only way that would work is if we use ffmpeg to resize a JPEG and covert it to RAW. Conversion is like this:
ffmpeg -vcodec png -i image640.png -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 /home/pi/image640.raw
and scaling like this:
ffmpeg -i input.jpg -vf scale=320:240 output_320x240.png
That post also has some other ideas for cleaning up the boot display, like how to get rid of the RPi logo, the rainbow square and the low-voltage warning.
- Description updated (diff)
- % Done changed from 10 to 20
Removed the following three graphics from the default boot process.
- The rainbow block when firmware starts.
- The RPi logos per cpu.
- The undervoltage lightning bolt.
Now we just have the text on tty1 which could be moved but I think I'll leave it for now because it helps in debugging.
Changes pushed.
One more thing to add: vt.global_cursor_default=0
This will disable blinking cursor on console. Might be a problem on tty2, etc. but I'd rather turn it off so the boot up is clean.
- Severity changed from 05 - Very Low to 01 - Critical
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 20 to 100
Disabled the cursor and moved console output to tty3. Tested, committed and pushed.
I decided I didn't want the animated banner or anything clever like that. I also don't need a kernel logo image. psplash covers it just fine.
Closing issue.
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