Action Item #491
closedReview support for touchscreen display in PiBox
The official 7" touchscreen is perfect for PiBox Media Players and IronMan's server node. However, I don't know what drivers are required for it.
I need to investigate how to integrate that device into PiBox builds.
See this Adafruit tutorial
Updated by Hammel almost 9 years ago
- Category set to Monitor
- Target version changed from Maker Faire to 0.1.0 - Proof of concept
Updated by Hammel almost 9 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Low
- Target version changed from 0.1.0 - Proof of concept to 0.5.0
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
- They're relatively expensive (I already have dedicated HDMI monitors)
- They may require software changes to the UI code to fit on the small space.
For these reason, I'm not targeting a touch screen for the PoC. However, they will be required for the MVP.
Moving target version to MVP and dropping priority for now.
Updated by Hammel almost 9 years ago
- % Done changed from 10 to 20
The official display uses an ft5406 driver for the touchscreen, which is supported in the 4.2.y kernel. I'm using 3.14.y for PiBox. So I'll have to try and rev up. I did this once before when trying to bring buildroot up to date and it failed though I don't remember why (see RM #493). So this may take some work.
I may try to backport the driver if I can't get the 4.2.y kernel to work. I'd rather rev up to 4.2.y if it will support the devices I need supported (primarily the wifi dongles).
Note that the touchscreen also only works with A+, B+ and 2B models, though the Model B might work with a workaround. I have 2B models but those require a new toolchain (See RM #460). My test of the Display is using a build for the 2B that I no longer have, so will have to recreate based on RM #460.
Updated by Hammel almost 9 years ago
I downloaded the latest Raspbian and booted it on a 2B with the touchscreen attached. The bootup messages showed up on the display. However, I left it alone for awhile to do other things and when I came back there was nothing on the display. I tried swiping on the display (eg moving the mouse) but nothing happened. More research on this under Raspbian will be necessary before I can get it working under PiBox.
Updated by Hammel over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 20 to 100
Resolved with RM #471.