



Bug #1158


Server crashes when used in production.

Added by Hammel 6 months ago. Updated 26 days ago.

In Progress
Target version:
Start date:
27 Aug 2024
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
01 - Critical


This is the log if run manually and then visiting the home page for the pistore device.

pistoreImages[get.c:354] INFO Entered.
dbGetStores[db.c:385] INFO fsList size: 5
getLabelFromDevice[db.c:151] ERROR /dev/sdb1: failed to read partitions.
_sumFS[db.c:232] INFO Adding str to GSList: /media/usb/sdb1:1442092184:495276819:4096:N:N:None
getLabelFromDevice[db.c:151] ERROR /dev/sde1: failed to read partitions.
_sumFS[db.c:232] INFO Adding str to GSList: /media/usb/sde1:1453294359:491971867:4096:N:N:None
getLabelFromDevice[db.c:151] ERROR /dev/sda1: failed to read partitions.
_sumFS[db.c:232] INFO Adding str to GSList: /media/usb/sda1:961129721:452192347:4096:N:N:None
getLabelFromDevice[db.c:151] ERROR /dev/sdd1: failed to read partitions.
_sumFS[db.c:232] INFO Adding str to GSList: /media/usb/sdd1:120129104:99361159:4096:N:N:None
getLabelFromDevice[db.c:151] ERROR /dev/sdc1: failed to read partitions.
_sumFS[db.c:232] INFO Adding str to GSList: /media/usb/sdc1:961129721:433014315:4096:N:N:None
dbGetStores[db.c:387] INFO return list size: 5
_showFS[pistoreweb.c:174] INFO /media/usb/sdb1: 5501GB Total, 1889GB Available
_showFS[pistoreweb.c:174] INFO /media/usb/sde1: 5543GB Total, 1876GB Available
_showFS[pistoreweb.c:174] INFO /media/usb/sda1: 3666GB Total, 1724GB Available
_showFS[pistoreweb.c:174] INFO /media/usb/sdd1: 458GB Total, 379GB Available
_showFS[pistoreweb.c:174] INFO /media/usb/sdc1: 3666GB Total, 1651GB Available
pistoreweb: malloc.c:2617: sysmalloc: Assertion `(old_top == initial_top (av) && old_size == 0) || ((unsigned long) (old_size
) >= MINSIZE && prev_inuse (old_top) && ((unsigned long) old_end & (pagesize - 1)) == 0)' failed.
Actions #1

Updated by Hammel 26 days ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

There are 5 devices on the production pistore. The developer pistore just has three but doesn't crash. Add two or three more devices and see if the problem can be reproduced on the developer system. If not, push the latest pistoreweb to production and try it there.

Actions #2

Updated by Hammel 26 days ago

Added two USB sticks. The server did not pick up their insertion (bug #1). When the server was restarted, it crashed. The error was also a problem with malloc though it presented without the assert.

pistoreFrontEnd[get.c:293] INFO Allocating ptr.
pistoreFrontEnd[get.c:309] INFO Allocating page.
malloc(): invalid next size (unsorted)

Note that 4 USB devices works fine. It's when I add the 5th that it crashes.


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