Bug #1158
openServer crashes when used in production.
Start date:
27 Aug 2024
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
01 - Critical
This is the log if run manually and then visiting the home page for the pistore device.
pistoreImages[get.c:354] INFO Entered.
dbGetStores[db.c:385] INFO fsList size: 5
getLabelFromDevice[db.c:151] ERROR /dev/sdb1: failed to read partitions.
_sumFS[db.c:232] INFO Adding str to GSList: /media/usb/sdb1:1442092184:495276819:4096:N:N:None
getLabelFromDevice[db.c:151] ERROR /dev/sde1: failed to read partitions.
_sumFS[db.c:232] INFO Adding str to GSList: /media/usb/sde1:1453294359:491971867:4096:N:N:None
getLabelFromDevice[db.c:151] ERROR /dev/sda1: failed to read partitions.
_sumFS[db.c:232] INFO Adding str to GSList: /media/usb/sda1:961129721:452192347:4096:N:N:None
getLabelFromDevice[db.c:151] ERROR /dev/sdd1: failed to read partitions.
_sumFS[db.c:232] INFO Adding str to GSList: /media/usb/sdd1:120129104:99361159:4096:N:N:None
getLabelFromDevice[db.c:151] ERROR /dev/sdc1: failed to read partitions.
_sumFS[db.c:232] INFO Adding str to GSList: /media/usb/sdc1:961129721:433014315:4096:N:N:None
dbGetStores[db.c:387] INFO return list size: 5
_showFS[pistoreweb.c:174] INFO /media/usb/sdb1: 5501GB Total, 1889GB Available
_showFS[pistoreweb.c:174] INFO /media/usb/sde1: 5543GB Total, 1876GB Available
_showFS[pistoreweb.c:174] INFO /media/usb/sda1: 3666GB Total, 1724GB Available
_showFS[pistoreweb.c:174] INFO /media/usb/sdd1: 458GB Total, 379GB Available
_showFS[pistoreweb.c:174] INFO /media/usb/sdc1: 3666GB Total, 1651GB Available
pistoreweb: malloc.c:2617: sysmalloc: Assertion `(old_top == initial_top (av) && old_size == 0) || ((unsigned long) (old_size
) >= MINSIZE && prev_inuse (old_top) && ((unsigned long) old_end & (pagesize - 1)) == 0)' failed.
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