


Wiki » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Hammel, 30 Oct 2019 12:12) → Revision 2/3 (Hammel, 04 Dec 2019 12:22)

h1. Summary 

 *_Xeon_* is a custom phone based on the PiBox Development Platform.    It supports a custom hardware platform made from specific off-the-shelf boards and displays.   

 Xeon is built on Raspberry Pi Zero W.  

 h1. Status 

 * Prototype hardware layout was built and used for a time, but the charger in the modem is not charging the battery and this is 
 causing strange power problems.    A second set of hardware is on order.    This will be used to build a breadboard design and test 
 battery charging and power issues. 

 h1. Documentation 

 * [[Xeon Users Guide]] - How to setup and use a Xeon Phone 

 h1. Design and Implementation 

 * [[Repos]] - Description of Xeon repositories 

 h1. Planning and Reference 

 * [[General Research]]