


Testing #240

Updated by Hammel about 11 years ago

The texy display has arrived.    He had forgotten to send it originally and, to make up for it, decided to send me a mounting case for free.    I've mounted an RPi in the case with the display (see photo) but my initial boot doesn't seem to see the device.    I only have fb0, which is the HDMI monitor. 

 The discussion on using the display can be found here: 

 "fbtft_device": kernel drivers instructions.    This appears to be built on the kernel source from which "PiBox pulls":git:// 
 * "": 
 * "fbtft_device driver info": 

 The driver appears to support this device (whish is a hy28a).    So all that's needed, initially, is to get the driver into the kernel build. 

 "Building outside the kernel": is available from 
