Feature #700
Updated by Hammel 9 months ago
This is probably just a wrapper around the original dialog app from upstream, but might be more.
h3. Update
The switch to PinePhone Pro for HW changes the eco-system for apps. Whatever app is chosen/created, there is a "Modem SDK":https://github.com/the-modem-distro/pinephone_modem_sdk that can be used underneath.
* "PiDialer":https://gitlab.com/pibox/pidialer app from original Xeon project
* "Megi's dialer app":https://xff.cz/git/pinephone-call-audio/
* "Megi's PinePhone Status":https://xnux.eu/devices/pine64-pinephone.html
* "Megi's Modem Status":https://xnux.eu/devices/feature/modem-pp.html
* "Megi's Audio Setup for Voice Calls":https://xnux.eu/devices/feature/modem-pp.html