


Design #972

Updated by Hammel 12 months ago

Plans for 3.0 - Corrino 

 * Add support for "PiGRRL": to create PiPod music player. 
 ** Needs "additional SD card": 
 ** Needs "audio output": 
 * Initial Xeon Release 
 * Extend Ironman 
 ** Plugs 
 ** Lights 
 ** Window shades 
 ** Cameras 
 ** Environmental control 
 * New Hardware Support 
 ** Bluetooth keyboard/input 
 ** I/R input 
 ** Investigate alternative SBCs due to supply chain issues with RPi. 
 * New Apps 
 ** PiEnv - Environmental monitoring using 3rd party devices 
 ** PiPod - Music player for PiGRRL and "I2C/I2S DAC Module Carrier Board.": 
 *** Simpler version of MusicFE that is text based but possibly with touchscreen support. 
 * Player updates 
 ** Plex-like UI for videofe 
 ** Improve performance of musicfe 
 * Multi-camera support for PiCam 
 ** Add CSI (raspicam) support 
 ** Two-to-four USB cameras 
 ** USB plus Raspicam 
 * Video Streaming updates 
 ** Add RTSP support 
 ** Investigate migration to VLC 
 * Improve PiStore 
 ** More info displayed 
 ** Improved graphing 
 * Fix Broadcom wifi support on Pi3/PiZero W 
 * Stabilize PiXM 
 * Investigate migration to "mongoose": to replace existing piboxwww 
 * Existing RM's
