Feature #792
Updated by Hammel over 4 years ago
This is an experiment to see if we can speed up the UI.
Some references:
# https://www.cairographics.org/OpenGL/
# https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~macslow/gl-cairo-simple/trunk/files
# http://ssvb.github.io/2012/05/04/xorg-drivers-and-software-rendering.html
# https://github.com/cubicool/cairo-gl-sdl2 - uses cairo opengl backend (but it's C++)
# https://cgit.freedesktop.org/cairo/ - cairo source - look in src/ for gl backend support
# https://cairo.cairographics.narkive.com/acXWIWzV/does-cairo-use-hardware-acceleration - old but good discussion on using GL with Cairo.
## Buildroot needs Mesa added with vc4 support to get Cairo with GL.
Might want to bump to latest release (1.17.2) from Buildroot's 2020.02.4 LTS current (1.16.0)