


Action Item #472

Updated by Hammel about 5 years ago

"Some things I can review": 
 # Switch to LZO for kernel compression 
 # Delay Loop Calibration: ''lpj=''; can save > 100ms on ARMv5 based systems    (boot and look for Calilbrating Delay Loop and check what lpj is set to, then use that on command line) 
 # Parameters for boot time analysis: ''initcall_debug'', ''printk_time=1'' 
 # Switch rootfs to UBIfs - better for flash devices 
 # Use initramfs (see slides) 
 # Integrate as many init scripts as possible into single program (my own init program), then use init=myprog 

 I probably won't get to <1s boot time without bootloader access but I can certainly get to <10s, possibly to <5s. 

 * "LPC: Booting Linux in five seconds": 
 * "Bootchart": for graphing the boot process 
 * "Bootchar2": 
