Action Item #419
Updated by Hammel almost 10 years ago
There are now quite a few opkgs. It would be useful to have a metabuild for all of these to make releases easier. This would probably be best handled by a shell script since I could easily source custom cdtools functions to perform the builds. Here are the current (as of the upcoming 0.10.0 release) opkgs: <pre> appmgr_0.9_arm.opk crtmpserver_0.9_arm.opk launcher_0.9_arm.opk mjpg-streamer_0.9_arm.opk monkey_0.9_arm.opk omxplayer_0.9_arm.opk piboxd_0.9_arm.opk piboxmediaserverui_0.9_arm.opk piboxwww_0.9_arm.opk piclock_0.9_arm.opk psplash_0.9_arm.opk videofe_0.9_arm.opk </pre> That doesn't include a videlib RPM, which is not an opkg but should be included in the distribution since its a desktop Java app.