Bug #725
closedpisensors install should create sensor registration directory.
Start date:
27 Oct 2019
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
03 - Medium
There is no /etc/ironman/iot on a fresh install of pisensors so it fails to start. Creating that directory allows the app to start with no sensors configured.
Fix: add the following to postinst script for pisensors.
mkdir -p /etc/ironman/iot
mkdir -p /etc/ironman/jarvis
The latter is needed for Jarvis management.
Note: This may not belong here - both might be created with the imrest (imwww app) installation instead.
Updated by Hammel over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Done - tested, committed and pushed.
Closing issue.