Action Item #391
closedAdd home button to apps along with global key-mapping file.
The home button will be something easily mapped from a keyboard, like Ctrl-H or F12 or similar. Each app should support reading of a global config file that specifies what the home key (and other special keys, like the asterisk key on Roku that allows app-specific configuration) is mapped to. That will make it easier to use different input devices (that all need to look like keyboards anyway).
These apps need to be updated:- bui-network-config
- videofe
That's all the apps currently built for PiBox media platforms. Future apps will need the same mapping.
Updated by Hammel over 10 years ago
- Severity changed from 03 - Medium to 02 - High
Updated by Hammel over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
bui-network-config now has a Home button that actually just quits the app.
videofe support Ctrl-Q (case insensitive) and the Home button to quit.
Now I need to create the mapping file and figure out how to use that in these apps.
Updated by Hammel over 10 years ago
- % Done changed from 50 to 60
Added a keysyms file to pmsui and support for using it to bui-network-config. The latter seems to work with a test version of it but it needs to be tested on the target.
Updated by Hammel over 10 years ago
- % Done changed from 60 to 80
Tested bui-network-config on target and the configured keysym for HOME (the Escape key) works fine.
Integrated support for keysyms file in VideoFE and tested on target. It also works.
UI's keysym file is integrated into pmsui package.
Now I need to add it to piclock.
Updated by Hammel over 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
Added and tested support for UI keysyms file in piclock.
All updates are pushed upstream.
Closing issue.