Bug #365
openCustomizations should go on vfat partition, not under /etc
Start date:
26 Jul 2014
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
03 - Medium
To allow for updates that won't hurt user customizations, PiBox specific applications config files should be stored under /etc/pibox and that should be a symlink to /mnt/mmcblk0p1/pibox.
Updated by Hammel almost 2 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.0 - Atreides to 3.0 - Corrino
Now that there is a 3rd partition in SD creation, customizations should go to /media/mmcblk0p3/<tbd>.
However, moving all customizations to that partition will not be easy. Apps can look for config files there first, then fallback to the ones under /etc. However, it's not clear if moving all /etc to the third partition would be meaningful.