Testing #237
closedTest web interface on tablets
The web interface for streaming web cameras needs to be fully tested on both tablets and phones. The devices to be tested are as follows.
- Galaxy Tab 2 7"
- Android phone
- iPhone
- iPad 10"
It's possible the Apple products won't work because they don't support flash. JWPlayer may switch to HTML5 instead, if I've set it up correctly.
Updated by Hammel over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Priority changed from Urgent to Immediate
- Target version changed from 1.0 - Atreides to 0.6.0
- Severity changed from 03 - Medium to 01 - Critical
Updated by Hammel over 11 years ago
Galaxy Tab 2 failed to play content. I think it's cuz flash is not supported and htm5 is not working for JWPlayer.
I let LongTailVideo's "publish" function generate the code I should need using JWPlayer 6.6. Here it is:
<div id='playerFbcfGmnfWMQq'></div> <script type='text/javascript'> jwplayer('playerFbcfGmnfWMQq').setup({ file: 'rtmp://', image: 'https://www.longtailvideo.com/content/images/jw-player/lWMJeVvV-876.jpg', title: 'Trailer Cam', width: '100%', aspectratio: '16:9', fallback: 'false', primary: 'flash' }); </script>
I need to try this to see if both the desktop and Galaxy Tab work with it using JWPlayer 6.6.
Updated by Hammel over 11 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 20
Major road bump: FLV can't be streamed to HTML5, only flash. So that won't play on Android. I need to stream mp4.
Take a look at this:
It might give me some ideas how I can do this with ffserver instead of crtmpserver.
Updated by Hammel over 11 years ago
- Severity changed from 01 - Critical to 05 - Very Low
Support for streaming mp4 directly to tablets is being tracked in RM #239. When that is completed, this task can be re-run.
Updated by Hammel over 11 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 20 to 100
The webcam interface now works on the desktop, android and iOS after switching to mjpg-streamer. This issue can be closed.