Bug #1129
closedLauncher/appmgr appear to be ignoring /etc/pibox-env settings.
Start date:
17 Apr 2024
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
01 - Critical
On a fresh install the /etc/pibox-env file is there and contains
This is the correct setting. But launcher does not recognize touch events. It's not clear if appmgr is having the same problem. Manually setting the env var seems to work if you launch the app manually.
Updated by Hammel 11 months ago
- % Done changed from 10 to 60
Found it - there is a /etc/pointercal file that is incorrect. In fact, it's not needed at all. It isn't in the source skeleton tree. I think this is leftover in the pushed skeleton tree (under package/customize/source) that ends up on the target rootfs.