Bug #1102
openTouchProcessor fails on pinet to exit or notify on exit when running on pistore.
Start date:
04 Mar 2024
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
01 - Critical
Failure on pinet shutdown on a pistore:
piboxTouchShutdownProcessor[touchProcessor.c:619] ERROR Timed out waiting on touchProcessor thread to shut down.
Doesn't happen all the time and the timeout eventually clears the problem.
Updated by Hammel 7 months ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
This might be due to the animation timer interfering with the SIGINT processing. There was no call to g_source_remove() in pinet.c on shutdown.
This is fixed in my sandbox but needs to be tested thoroughly on hardware.
Note that the following all need updates related to the SIGINT call.- picam
- musicfe
- pipics
This means they all need this code on shutdown.
if ( isCLIFlagSet(CLI_TOUCH) )
/* SIGINT is required to exit the touch processor thread. */
And the following need updates to disable a timer before the SIGINT call.
- pistore
- pinet