Feature #1080
openSensors: 1 port power switch
This is effectively the same as the light switch but is generalized to enable power on an outlet.
The ESP board should be powered via the mains, so I need a buck converter of some kind, probably like this simple circuit that takes 110v down to 12v and then to 5v or lower.
- https://makeradvisor.com/tools/rf-remote-controlled-sockets-433mhz/
- https://github.com/xkonni/raspberry-remote
- https://github.com/sui77/rc-switch - library to control 433MHz switches.
- https://tutorials-raspberrypi.com/control-raspberry-pi-wireless-sockets-433mhz-tutorial/
- https://hristoborisov.com/index.php/projects/switcher-a-wifi-open-source-power-switch/
- https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp8266-remote-controlled-sockets/
- ESP8266 ESP-01S Relay Module Relay WIFI Smart Socket Control Switch
It would seem that the easy way to do this is to use a 433MHz socket along with the Pi and the rc-switch library. rc-switch provides some sample projects that might provide templates for creating Ironman interfaces.
Updated by Hammel 11 months ago
Ordered 433Mhz xmit/receive units from Amazon, along with BN-Link RF outlets.
I already have Arduino's I can use, including ESP8266-01's.
- Debian pkg: 1.8.13 - apt get arduino
- Upstream: 2.3.2
ESP8266 Guide (from Ironman lightsw project, only valid for 1.x releases).
This should be tested first with the Arduino boards, then ported to the esp8266 if possible. A bank of esp8266 boards for a collection of RF outlets would be preferrable to a bank of Arduino's, although some of them are pretty small too.